Children &


Family mediation and child custody problems are interrelated in many ways.

With mediation services, one can work with both parties to come up with a consensus that is legally acceptable for all involved.

By coming to an agreement that is accepted by both parties, there will be less hassle to maintain a status quo when either party is ready to move on.



A mediator will be able to listen to the matter in a calm and collected manner. They can help both parties come to a mutual agreement as well as finding the best way to resolve the issue. They will do this by listening to what both parties say and listening to what the mediator has to say.

If a family mediation service is offered, this can often be done through skype, whats app, facetime, phone or internet call. Some mediators provide online assistance as well.

The mediator may also provide general contact information. This will allow the parents to find contact information for a mediator as well as how to get in touch with the service when they need a mediator.

Children & Mediation

Each couple has a mediator who works impartially to find solutions in a confidential way.

This type of mediation is appropriate for very difficult child custody issue. The mediator acts as the third person; the party to the dispute may make objections, but the mediator does not have to convince the third party. You maintain the decision making process with mediation.


The mediator puts you at ease.

The mediator is not from the other party’s point of view, but is a neutral observer, thus allowing for greater understanding and trust between you and the mediator.

 The mediator asks questions and makes comments.

The mediator is allowed to make observations and takes notes, allowing the other party the chance to speak.

How it resolves disputes?

You can find out what type of situation you are dealing with by asking the mediator.

During this time, the mediator will discuss issues that are essential to the resolution of the case.

Children should not be talked about at this time. Ask questions about the mediator and your case.

When you feel you have completely understood the terms of the case, you are free to talk about your children.

Situation We Help WIth

When a legal professional is called upon to mediate a dispute between two parties, they are essentially acting as a third person.

For a legal professional to truly perform their role, they must be impartial, but the most important thing is that they provide the best advice that is made available.

They cannot make decisions for you without representation.

Children & Mediation

Mediation has a high focus on the children and ensures the well-being of the children involved in the separation.

Our mediators will always ensure that the child’s voice is brought on the table either directly or indirectly.

Help Child Matters Such As:
  • Access arrangements
  • parental agreements
  • child costs
  • schools
  • holidays
  • new partners
Family Mediation Service