

There are a number of reasons to consider getting the help of a family mediation service.

A good number of issues can arise that are only resolved through the help of a mediator.

Were here to help so get in touch today


Finances Mediation

Some of the issues that can arise in a relationship breakdown including the family home, savings, pensions, cars, debts and business assets to name a few.

Regardless of the issue, family mediation is the best way to deal with it.

It is the mandatory method by the family courts in the UK since 2014.

If you do not know what mediation is or have never heard of it, then it is important to educate yourself on this method of resolving conflicts.

Our organisation deals with financial disputes so contact us today.

WHY financial MEDIATION service?

All mediation services will have the same goal of mediation, the approaches and procedures will vary slightly but the end goal is always the same.

One of the first things that is learned about mediation is that the subject matter of the mediation will involve a number of other people, all of whom are involved in a dispute or issue.

What To Expect

In this method of mediation, the service can present a report to the parties.

The mediator will then go over the report and present options to the parties that include, court intervention, counselling, and what to do next.

how we help

In order to complete the assignment of the service, the mediator will meet with the parties at least twice.

It is important that the mediation service will always offer its services free of charge to the parties. This is to protect both parties and to ensure that a solution can be worked out that will benefit them both.

call us now

If you have any questions about a family mediation service, then ask them.

You do not want to get caught up in a large amount of money while you are trying to solve a problem that can be solved within a few minutes of getting a consultation with a mediator. 

upset about money?