
Our mediators can help and assist familied to work through your issues no matter how complicated they might appear to find solutions that work for everyone.

The important thing is you remain in control of all decision making and we offer lots of different types of mediation including shuttle mediation so you can be in different rooms.

Were here to help so get in touch today

Family Mediation Service

Mediation Is NOT

Mediation is not marriage counselling or a replacement of legal services like family Solicitors that give the couples advice, but is an impartial way of helping partners find solutions to the implications of the divorce.

Mediators will only be there to facilitate the discussions but importantly look to find solutions and ways to move forward without disputes.

WHY family MEDIATION service?

Family Mediation service can help couples to discuss the future without the need for the expensive legal fees or the  litigation process.

Mediation is much easier if the two parties are willing to participate, plus it is an impartial process.

We have experienced accredited family mediators who can provide professional family mediation services and help you reach an agreement within a shorter time.

How it resolves disputes?

The discussions are geared towards a win-win situation to safeguard family relationships even after the process and ensures privacy because the three people in the discussion only know the details of the talks.

Mediators are trained and experienced to help couples solve the complexities of family issues that lead to separation or divorce.

They will help the parties to find the best way forward for both of them after the divorce.

The mediator is impartial and totally unbiased and has a focus on the needs of the couple and the children.

how does it all work

Unlike court sessions, working with a mediator allows divorcing couples to make their own decisions within a timeframe that works for both parties.

The process is an open and sensible communication process or discussion of all the issues that the couple are facing.

Mediation can happen before, during or after a separation or divorce.

It is a vital step you NEED a MIAM before you are able to progress your case further – this is the LAW

We Can
Help WIth

The process is aimed at helping all members of a family raise their interests on issues such as property, finances, debts, military familieswills and probate and child custody.

Some mediation sessions may involve the whole family, including parents and siblings, to avoid future disagreements.

The main advantage of the process is the resource of an independent party to ensure that the process is smooth.

The mediator’s role is to manage the communications for reasonable solutions not to advise the couple on what to do.

Family Mediation Service
Children & Mediation

Mediation has a high focus on the children and ensures the well-being of the children involved in the separation.

Our mediators will always ensure that the child’s voice is brought on the table either directly or indirectly.

Benefits Of Family Mediation Service

Unlike court processes that take a long time before making a decision, mediation can take a short time, especially if the couples are cooperating.

The process is also driven by the participants, meaning they can plan the session to fit into their busy work schedules without disruptions.

The situation in the court process is different as they have to follow the rules.

Conflicts are always stressful, especially if a third party will make the decision.

The mediation process is done through the partner’s efforts, and the agreements are reached through an unbiased discussion.

The process is conducted at a confidential, quiet, relaxing location.

Unlike the court sessions that are full of a public audience, mediation sessions happen in a private location where only the partners and the mediator are allowed.

The mediator is also not allowed to disclose matters discussed to third parties.

The divorce process is cheap because the parties can avoid the legal bills that people who choose the legal system pay.

Court or the cost of divorce can cost tens of thousands of pounds.

Family mediation starts from just £99.00 and rarely costs over a £1000 total for both parties.

See if you qualify for legal aid here.

The agreements made in a mediation process are easier for the parties to follow because no one is forced.

The solutions come from the couple’s arrangements, and hence they will be ready to fulfill their commitment.

Going legal or Litigation, on the other hand, may not come up with a judgement that favours both parties.

The greatest benefit of using mediation process as opposed to court process is that the process does not end with a loser and a winner.

The couples try to find solutions that work for both of them and the children involved in the divorce.

Some of the significant issues that need agreements include child custody, property, finances, pensions and the family house.